Success starts at the beginning of a project.
To take the right decisive steps at this important stage, BabEng brings along practical experience with approved tunnelling technologies and applications from its numerous successful past projects.
On a project in Northern Europe we assisted the contractor by deploying a specialized team to free the cutterhead under compressed air and to make a complete tool change. We are proud of our engineers who worked tirelessly in shifts to ensure the face stability.
Construction of two 5 km long highway tunnels under the Suez Canal with two Ø 13,0 m Slurry TBMs. Geology is made of sand with clay layers. Water pressure up to 6 bars. Checking of design and construction management.
Twin-tube 8,176 m (5 mi) long high-speed rail tunnel in the Alps with a maximum coverage of 65 m (213 ft) and a minimum coverage of 9.50 m (31 ft). Concept of conditioning and support for initial operation of TBM/tunneling machine. Technical support for difficult situations during excavation.
First of three sections to extend the Metro from West Los Angeles to Westwood (near Santa Monica). Construction of a 20,700 ft. (6,270 m) Metro twin tunnel under densely populated areas in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. TBM Expert within Construction Management Team.
7,528m (4.68mi) long Italian highway tunnel in the Apennine mountain range excavated by an enormous 15.87m (52ft) diameter Herrenknecht EPB TBM. Single software to manage instrumentation data.
Road tunnel below the Yangtze River in Nanjing. High water pressures up to 6 bar. 3.4km and 4.1km length, Ø 15.0m, Mitsubishi TBM, in varying geology, sand and clay. Technical support for the contractor in difficult drive situations and during compressed-air works.
A1 Highway tunnels, between Florence and Bologna. 2.5km (1.6mi) long twin tunnels with an OD of 15.55m (51ft), excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB-TBM. Integration of extensive gas monitoring with 24/7 alarm system.
Extension of passenger tunnel at train station Wolfsburg to the direction of „Autostadt“. Below the main tracks between Berlin and Hannover. Project development, design, construction management.
Technical assistance regarding the soil conditioning equipment adapted to a compact cutting head.
Research and development project for energy storage in shafts with 1,000 m depth. Concept and design work, cost and time scheduling.
Anchor recovery through conventionally driven drifts underground water table in compressed air as preliminary to two TBM drives. 200m drifts, 2.4 x 1.9m. Project development, planning, design, preparation of tender documents, CM & consulting during the legal procedures for the owner.
Establishing the metro ring line in Copenhagen, 32 km total tunnel track with 4 EPB-TBMs, Ø 5.8 m in sand, clay and chalk. Technical consulting for the construction company.
Construction of 13 km of metro link to improve public transportation to LAX area. Technical consultancy within the construction management team.
2 tubes with a Multi-Mode TBM Ø 10.80 m, length 9 km. Excavating in Keuper, sandstone, marl and limestone. Geotechnical and tunnel-specific consulting for the client, data-analysis and data-preservation of evidence during construction.
Construction of the tunnel Schlüchtern in varying geology (basalt, sandstone, silt, clay). Multimode-TBM (EPB-open) with Ø 10 m, 3.9 km length. Technical consulting of the client in difficult contractual situation.
Road Tunnels. Two TBM-driven tunnels: 4,150 ft. (1,280 m) in length. TBM diameter 42.3 ft. (12.9 m). Consulting and CM for the Owner. Review of design docs & excavation strategies. Support before & during Dispute Review Board Sessions. Deployment of personnel on-site for CM services & project administration (head of claim management).
Railway project in Förslöv, Sweden. Two times 5.6 km long tunnels in fractured hard rock by Dual-Mode Slurry-/Single- Shield TBM with an excavation diameter of 10.5 m (87 m²). Water head up to 13 bars. Member of Technical Committee.
Length approx. 270 m, power lines in a pilot project for the E-Power Pipe of Herrenknecht. A total of 6 drives were excavated. Implementation planning. Main task: A shallow pit as possible without the use of transverse straps.
Pipe-jacking as part of the downtown relief. Main Sewer DN 2400 in varying geology (clay). Tender design and construction management for tunnelling works.
Construction of a 12,500 ft. (3,810 m) long Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) tunnel as part of the DC Clean Rivers Project. Diameter: 23 ft. (7 m). Construction Management. Full-time deployment of engineers on-site during vertical shaft excavation and tunneling.
Pipe Jacking for discharging treated wastewater into the Black Sea. DN 2000 in varying geology (sand, hard rock). Technical advice in difficult driving situations.
17 bar water pressure during driving work in varying geology, Dual-Mode TBM, Ø 7.80 m, 4.8 km length. Risk engineering for insurance company. Technical servicer for the insurance group.
Main sewer and storm sewer (DN 2000 and DN 1600) in sandy, gravelly ground (penetrability 10 -³ m/s). Face support calculation and technical supervision. Technical management and execution of air pressure works.
Main sewer tunnels, King County, WA. 26.6 km of tunnels, Ø 5.5 m and Ø 4.3 m. Member of the design team regarding tunnels in abrasive ground with high cover and water heads up to 7 bars. Supplier of data management program. Technical support during contractual disputes.
Tunnel for a gas pipeline, 5 km length, excavated with Ø 6.2 m (30 m²) hard rock Double-Shield-TBM. Drilling of two 500 m deep vertical pipe holes in rock. Review of tender documents and construction management (2 engineers deployed) during construction. Supply of data management software.
Water transfer tunnel. 2.9 km long sewage tunnel with an OD of 4.3 m passing under a bay in tidal water. Geology mainly of sand and silt stone, some sections in alluvium. Design work for the contractor during tender and construction. Supplier of data management software.
Road Tunnel, Waterview. Connection Highway Tunnel in Auckland. Ø 14.41 m, 2 x 2.4 km length and 16 cross passages. Project accompanying review work during preparation and construction within an independent Panel of Experts.
Double deck highway tunnel in varying glacial geology, excavated by TBM, 2.8 km tunnel, Ø 17.5 m. Engineering service within the construction management team incl. inspection of repair works
Project for a highway crossing under the river “Elbe” west of Hamburg in glacial influenced soft ground. Two tunnels each 6 km long with a diameter of approx. 14 m incl. 21 cross passages. For client design services from feasibility to tender phase, incl. permitting.